April 28, 2009

Shameless Plug

Ok, I'm running out of creative titles very quickly, so please bear with me.

So here is one of the holes left when I removed the oil lines. As you can see, there's still a little oil in there, and probably more that I can't see. So, I needed something to plug it when I tip the engine up, minimizing the amount of oil I get all over the place.

So I stopped at HD and picked up these little rubber plugs. However, note that they're just a little bit too big for the hole. I should have measured first, I know. But I didn't want to make a special trip.

I grab our communal razor blade (I'm not sure why we have a razor blade sitting on the coffee table. It's always been there. It doesn't move. But for some reason, we always need it, and it's nice to know where it is). I trim a little bit off, and they fit like a glove.

Another hurdle cleared, albeit a small one. I might start undoing the engine bolts tomorrow and have it ready to tip over by this weekend, so the roommate can help me.

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